Is a citizens initiative. It is a nonprofit organization, composed of groups of differing backgrounds; social, cultural, educational, neighborhood, political, Trade Unions, artistic, caring people, institutions and businesses with social responsibility.

Has as its objetive the defense of human rights, International Humanitarian Rights and Right to Refuge.
Encourages involvement and participation.

Opens a meeting space to seek answers collectively.
Delves into the causes of events, for contrast and verification purposes.
Will host a symbolic “refugee camp” in A Coruña from 15 to 18 of June 2017. You can participate by setting up a tent as an expression of your commitment to peace and the right to shelter by participating in the different activities that will take place in the camp and during the year.
A Coruña - 15 a 18 de junio de 2017
is an active social encounter, with participation from the protagonists: victims, NGOs, journalists; we offer projection of films, photography, music, theater, clowns … art events of all kinds.
Also provides guided visits to further understand the environment of a refugee field. To understand the real causes of war.
Who can actively participate?
How you can actively participate?
A tent is a symbol of rebellion that you can customize anyway you like, within the ethical Acampa standards.
Or any skill that you would like to participate with. Please make a proposal at on the web!
ES46 1491 0001 2530 0007 7549
or in our crowdfunding.