Ricard G. Vilanova

jue15junTodo el díamar25jul(Todo el día) Ricard G. VilanovaWar in Siria - Photo exhibitionSala de Exposiciones del Kiosco Alfonso

Event Details

War in Siria

Ricardo Garcia Vilanova (Barcelona, 1971) is the only graphic journalist that has been in Syrian conflict from the beginning. In November 2011, during “arabic springs” he got infiltrated in Jabal al-Zawiya, in Idlib province, and he were there during the firsts demonstrations against Bashar al-Asad regime.
People were afraid of Mujabarat (the regime police) and, being afraid of the fact that their pictures could be identified in the newspaper they only allowed children to be photographed.
During his time there he could testify how the repressor regime broke up demonstrations using snipers, and militar tanks after.
Civil population were facing a modern army that attacked them with heavy artillery from helicopters and airplanes, with Scud missiles and even chemical weapons.
This riots become in a war of several factions and only a victim: civil population, forced to fight to survive.
Finally, DAESH spreading in Syria and Iraq has changed this conflict again.
This group of around forty pictures and nine videos shows the evolution of the conflict where civil population was never respected and has caused 415.00 deaths until now and over seven millions of displaced people.



Ricard García Vilanova


(Barcelona, 1971)

Has been a freelance photographer and video journalist for over 15 years. He specializes in conflict and humanitarian crises. Over the past 5 years, he has been a frontline witness to the Arab uprisings (beginning with Libya and, since 2011, devoting himself entirely to Syria 2011-2015), and also in Afghanistan, Irak, Yemen, CAR, Nigeria, Chad, Haiti .His objective has remained unchanged throughout his career: to bear witness, through his camera lens, to the violations of civilian human rights, children in particular.

Published in Life, Newsweek, The New Yorker, Time, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, The Daily Beast, Usa Today, The Palm Beach Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Star, The Huffigton Post, Foreign Policy, The Daily Examiner, The Chicago Tribune, The Financial Post, Le Monde, Liberation, Le Figaro, Paris Match, Express, Le Point, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, Die Welt, Der Spiegel, El Pais, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, Tiempo, Columbia Journalism Review, Days Japan, PDN, NPPA News Photographer, Russian Reporter.

Also has collaborated with organizations such as ICRC, UN, Msf, Human Rights Watch, Medicins du Monde.

As a freelance videojournalist has worked in CNN, BBC, ITN, Channel 4, ICRC, MSF, VICE, PBS, APTN, Reuters TV, Euronews, Cuatro, TV3 and his photographs have been used by CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and France24.

His work has been exhibited in New York, Washington, Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Taiwan, Taipei, and he has several prizes like selected to exhibited en LOOK3 ( SLPS ), Honorable Mention IPA Editorial War/Conflict 2010, Honorable Mention PX3 ( War Photography ) in 2009 and 2nd Place Recipients of PX3 Competition ( War Photography ) in 2010, Honorary Mention in Global World: Through the lens of Human Rights 2010, Nominated in The New York Photo Festival 2009, Nominated in Nikon Thursday Award 2009, 3RD QUARTER 2010 NPPA, in 2010 WSJ presented the candidacy for the Pulitzer Prize, in 2013 Px3 Gold Medal, IPA War / Conflict, POY / Pictures of the Year, Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents Category photo, ANIGP Prize 2013, in 2014 International Journalist Miguel Gil, José Couso Journalism Award, International Press Club Award, Manuel Vázquez Montalban Journalism Award and the El Mundo Award for Reporters, in 2015 Mika Yamamoto International Journalist Award in 2016 Finalist Days of Japan and POY / Pictures of the Year; ; and as video journalist finalist in Media Awards FPA and win with Alberto Arce the Rory Peck Awards Features in 2012, year 2013 The Royal Television Society News Coverage International by The Syrian Uprising with team CNN, 72nd Annual George Foster Peabody Award with team CNN for its coverage inside Syria and with team CNN The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), and nominated to EMMY for its Coverage of the War in Syria with the team CNN.


Junio 15 (Jueves) - Julio 25 (Martes)


Sala de Exposiciones del Kiosco Alfonso

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